Thursday, November 20, 2008

Signs of Hope at Charge Conference

Wow! What a witness! On last Sunday, nine churches gathered at John Wesley United Methodist Church in West Baltimore for a time of charge conferencing. The primary purpose of our gathering was for each of the churches to give reports on the state of their church and to make projections for the coming year. A part of our time was set apart for persons to share stories of how God has been at work in the life of their church. As the stories were being shared, it became evident that God really is at work in the churches, and that lives are really being transformed. We heard powerful stories of God at work in worship, faith development, and in ministries that connect persons both within and beyond the local churches. Eight of the 9 congregations at the conference have recently completed five months of training to become United Methodist Communities of Shalom. Persons shared hopes and dreams of how these new Shalom Zone will transform their churches and communities. One church shared about an emerging and growing discipleship ministry where over fifty persons gather for a monthly training session. This time of sharing is what some would call a “Kairos” moment, when God was evident, and opportunities for God to use each of our gifts were clearly apparent. What were really being shared were signs of hope all around us.

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