Friday, April 16, 2010

Theology on the Ground

Last week, I was privileged to travel to Union Theological Seminairy in Richmond, VA to partiipate in the "Theology on the Ground" Urban Ministry Forum. I, along with Dr. Roger Gench, Pastor of New York Avenue Presbterian Church in Washington, DC and Rev. Ben Campbell, the Director of Richmond Hill, in Richmond, shared some of our experiences in seeking to engage in ministries that build community, empower the marginalized, and help people at their points of need. Dr. Gench shared what it’s like to be an urban parish minister and how collective action and relatonships among churches can accomplish change. Richmond Hill’s Campbell described how spirituality and prayer create ecumenical bonds which then forms concrete social action to help transform lives. And I discussed how the creaton of communities of shalom in Baltimore are transforming churches and communities. Union Seminary is to be commended for offering this important opportunity for persons in the seminary community and from across the city to gather to better understand that effective ministry means opening one’s doors, offering radical hospitality, and creating relationships to develop the ‘beloved community.’

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