Friday, July 29, 2011

Faith and America's Budget Crisis

Dr. Michael Chistensen, National Director of Communities of Shalom at Drew University, reports on his blog that representatives of 11 religious groups and denominations have held daily vigils at the United Methodist Building near the Capitol for three weeks, praying for a moral resolution to the debt ceiling crisis. Finally, yesterday, they felt lead to take more drastic action—praying at the U.S. CapitOl and got arrested for not dispersing when warned to stop what they were doing.

According to a news release from the Nathional Council of Churches: “The religious leaders sang "Spirit of the Living God" and "We shall overcome" as they knelt and prayed in the Capitol rotunda. Capitol Hill police asked them to clear the rotunda but the religious leaders continued praying.

Recent events have catalyzed an eighteen-month public policy campaign led by faith leaders representing the Christian, Jewish and Muslim faiths to promote a message of the common good in the current economic debate. Members of the campaign are calling for Congress and the Administration to exempt programs from budget cuts that assist the most at-risk families and children in the U.S. and abroad.

One of those arrested was Jim Winkler, the General Secretary of Church and Society—a peace with justice agency of the United Methodist Church. Jim has been a prophetic leader on social issues for a number of years.

Another faith leader arrested yesterday is Bob Edgar, President of Common Cause--an organization that advocates for the poor and holds power accountable. Common Cause was one of the prime organizers of yesterday's prayerful protest.

Dr. Christensen shares that inspired by a prophetic vision of the beloved community of peace and justice for all, motivated by a common spiritual conviction that God has called on all citizens to protect the vulnerable and promote human dignity, many of us believe that the budget crisis should be resolved morally and prayerfully, and not just pragmatically and politically.

I urge all persons to pray for our nation and our elected leaders in this critical time in history.

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